TANN, Holzbauer, Landbeef

Meat and sausage specialties from Austria

Since 1963 SPAR has been producing an ever-growing range of meat and sausage specialties under the TANN brand.

More and more customers are reaching for pre-packaged products. Ready-made packaging offers not only a high degree of functionality such as hygiene and product shelf life, but is also becoming increasingly important for it‘s communication function.

Creative packaging design is always in demand. For Tann, Holzbauer and Landbeef Pichler & Gattringer designed a entirely new set of ready-made package designs that are both attractive and appealing, and also provide health conscious consumers all the important information they look for.

With a focus on color and using transparent packaging “windows”, the products stand out from the rest.


  • Continuous packaging design development
  • Focus on Austrian origin

SPAR Österreichische Warenhandels-AG